Mickey Kydes Endorses Kyle Martino for US Soccer President

Everyone's Game USA
Read Mickey Kydes letter of recommendation below. To read more about Kyle’s Progress Plan and Campaign, visit Everyone’s Game USA.

To the United States Soccer Youth Council:

It is my pleasure to highly recommend Mr. Kyle Martino for the position of United States Soccer Federation President. My name is Mickey Kydes, I am former professional soccer player, a youth soccer educator for the last 24 years, and a product of the United States youth, college, professional, national team soccer system since 1976.

I have known Kyle since he was 11 years old, and was first introduced to him through my elite soccer program called Beachside of Connecticut. Over my tenure as a youth soccer educator, I’ve had the privilege to work with thousands of players. I’m most proud of the special relationship I’ve developed with Kyle while training one on one with him for countless hours as he was evolving as a youth soccer player. Our relationship grew throughout Kyle’s collegiate and professional soccer career, and continues to remain strong today.

Kyle Martino represents all the positive qualities and characteristics of the U.S. youth development system. He understands it provided him the best environment to succeed at the highest level of U.S. Soccer. His unique skill set and experience will allow him to work in partnership with the Youth Council to continue to improve youth development for the next generation of American players. Kyle recognizes that player development is the foundation on which U.S. soccer’s future must be built and will create a partnership with the Youth Council to provide the support and resources to insure its continued growth and success.

Kyle will provide the leadership to listen to the Youth Councils concerns and create a strong partnership to form progressive and effective solutions. Together through dialogue and cooperation, to provide the best environment for youth development in the world. This will lay down what Kyle believes will be the cornerstone of U.S. soccer’s bright future.

That is why, without any reservation, and with strong conviction, I highly recommend Mr. Kyle Martino for the position of United States Soccer President.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at 203-852-6969 if you have any questions.

Mickey Kydes


Click the link below to download the letter:
Kyle Martino Letter of Recommendation


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